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  • Writer's picturePurple Bizon Sports

Sunday Roundup 7/22


Talk of a curse. Talk of another unfortunate development for the franchise. Talk of fairness will all come over the days and weeks ahead but none of that is appropriate right now. A man who by many accounts should have had many more years of life to live has passed away. The fact that he was a Vikings coach is mostly immaterial but is why I'm leading off with the loss of Tony Sparano. It's the only noteworthy story for the Vikings but even if it weren't, anything else would pale in comparison.

There are developments on the local sporting landscape that are of a more positive tone however.


In case you missed it, I did a brief examination of the Cobbers 2018 Football team. So if you're a fan, go check it out!


You might get 10 cents on the dollar but just do your fans, and yourselves for that matter, a favor and just put this season out of it's misery! SELL SELL SELL. Until that happens there will be no more mention of them...for the second time in three season.


Another week, another series win for the Redhawks. Not only that but they also managed to get a kick in the teeth type loss to keep them sharp as the season winds towards the end. Moral victories are an outsiders game and they probably don't see a 10 - 2 drubbing as any sort of a good thing but it may be. Maybe. We won't know the answer to it for a couple of weeks but I don't want to muddy the waters with possibilities of the future, even the near future.

The past week was less than stellar but they finished it strong and are still looking good for the post season. So get out there and enjoy the Summer while you still can!


Maybe Baseball isn't your thing though. Maybe you want Football to get underway and have used the Invaders as a low dose fix. Or at least have tried to view them as a way to bridge the time until college and pro levels start. Unfortunately they haven't obliged. For the third time in the last month they had a forfeiture by their opponent. That helps their record, I think, but I can't imagine that it has them in very good of shape as the Northern Elite post season looms. Barring a fourth forfeit, they host a playoff game on Saturday so maybe that will help you Football crazed people.

That's a pretty good paragraph considering they've barely played over the past month. But I think that's just about enough for now. Well not quite, first a question: How are you all enjoying the sports abyss?


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