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  • Writer's picturePurple Bizon Sports

Wentz Watch

Near the end of a turbulent season for Carson Wentz, Philly's coach Doug Pederson made the move to start rookie Jalen Hurts. The immediate aftermath of the change was a win over New Orleans. Not long after, rumors began to circulate that Wentz wouldn't be satisfied as the backup.

Unhappy professional athletes are as old a story as all the leagues that they play for, but Bismarck's favorite son never seemed to be the type to go down that road. Since the idea that Wentz may have been malcontented and possibly requested a trade was so much behind the scenes it wasn't approached much on any of the platforms. In the last 36 hours things began to shift on that front so now it's time to talk about the situation.

Less than three years after bringing a title to the championship-starved city of "brotherly" love the coach was relieved of his position. It comes after much of the speculation & conversation mentioned Wentz having a fractured relationship with Pederson.

So the quick-fire take could be that the ownership chose the quarterback over the coach. Again, that would not be unprecedented in the history of the professional athletics. But typically the QBs that are prioritized to that degree are the Peyton Manning types. For all of his virtues, Carson Wentz is not that player right now. No one knows if he will ever even return to the trajectory that he had been on, toward that elite stratosphere. His contract and the possibility of a return to prior form will be the main points considered.

Since neither Wentz nor Hurts are the new coaches guy, either one could be traded before the draft in late April. Before the coach was let go I predicted that Wentz would be traded for a third round pick. With the change of leadership I think the most likely outcome will be each of them being on the roster going into next Fall. It remains well within the realm of possibility that the most in-demand position in all of sports could give them some immediate returns but it's too much to double-down on that prediction at the moment.

This is just the first part of what could become a lengthy post with multiple updates over the next 3.5 months. For now we're just going to have to remain on watch about the signal callers future.


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