Another rough Sunday...

Due to their perpetual cash-strappedness, and the fact that the salary cap is primed to decrease after this season, Minnesota will once again be looking under all the rocks to save some money. Of the few good things to happen today, one could lead to some relief in that area. After a few weeks absence, Irv Smith was back on the field and made the most of his opportunity. He's not a top tight end in the league, who knows if he'll ever become one, but he's more than capable as a a teams #1 at the position, if they can't find a way around Rudolph's salary going into next season.
The other positive for the offense was the same as the rest of the season - #33. Another 110 yards and a hard-nosed touchdown run in a game that was not well-suited toward running back usage. With every game he is also moving further away from the "damaged" narrative. It's a good thing too, since he just got the new money, but hopefully they aren't wasting his best on a season that once again is in peril.

As for the negatives...
It's the low-hanging fruit for all fans but the refs sucked today. Every major call they made went the way of Tom Brady's team while they missed several, very obvious infractions by the pirates. Maybe it shouldn't be a surprise since the commissioner was in attendance, but it's beyond excuse.
Second to them was the former mr. automatic while with Dallas. I'll never not hold Zimmer responsible for the special teams, but going 0-for is a sure-fire way to fail and Bailey has to be able to make some of the kicks.
In third place by a narrow-margin is the offensive line. They were hampered by more in-game injuries but still gave up far too much pressure, which led to six sacks. It's a tale that's far too old. Won't ignore that there are some building-blocks in that group, but it all went badly this week.