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Feb 1 Adjustments

With the final weeks of the Winter sports season upon us, both Fargo & West Fargo have announced adjustments to the attendance limits.


Gym 1 - 900

Gym 2 - 75

Pool - 320

SA - 3750

FUI Arena - 500

Theater - 480


Main Gym - 1050

Gym 2 - 90

Coliseum - 375

Theater - 500

Pool - No Spectators


Main Gym - 1050

Gym 2 - 150

Agassiz Gym - 175

Pool - No Spectators

Gym Center - No Spectators

SA - 3750

Theater - 500

FUI Arena - 500

FPS guidelines says spectators attending events must:

  • Wear a mask that covers both the nose and mouth

  • Social distance from other individuals outside of their family or pod whenever possible

  • Practice good hand hygiene

  • Avoid gathering before, during, or after an event

As for West Fargo, the capacity for events at the high school gymnasiums will increase to 1,000 spectators. A voucher will no longer be required to purchase a ticket; spectators can purchase an event ticket at the door.

For middle school activities, two spectators per participant will be allowed at each event. This is inclusive of participants on both the home teams and visiting teams.

The HAC will increase capacity to 500 spectators and the WFSA will increase capacity to 600 spectators in the south rink and 200 spectators in the north rink.

Masks are required for all fans


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