Little did we know that after 34 minutes had played out the best was yet to come between Moorhead and Roseau. The latest clash of the rivals started off plenty exciting enough with goals by Tyler Bjerk & Paul Huglen for the Rams and Carson Triggs for the Spuds in-between. The 18th minute kept it rolling as Max Droden got the equalizer into the net.
And so the teams went to the locker room for the final time before the game was decided tied at 2. Roseau regained the lead with their own early score, by Max Strand. They went a step further by doubling their advantage a second time when Gavin Gunderson's shot squeaked by shortly there after. Thomas Schoeder was the next to manage answer for the Orange and Black, pulling his team to within a shot with 12 to go. Harper Bentz did the rest. The sophomore forward scored the eighth goal of the evening, which eventually lead to overtime. Then he netted the game winner and got to be the center of the celebration that followed it.
Not exaggerating, calling it a thriller on the ice!

Moorhead 5, Roseau 4 (OT)

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